Belnorth Newsletter 17/7/20

Junior (U 10 – U 18) and Senior Leagues – 18 July 2020

Football starts on the 18 of July 2020 for U 10 – Senior Leagues

To assist coaches, players and parents to understand how to comply with the return to game day conditions, Belnorth has developed the return to game day plan and Capital Football has approved this plan. 

Please ensure that all players, coaches, managers and parents read the Belnorth plan before the start of the season.

Capital Football have advised that the season will end on the weekend of the 26 and 27 of September 2020.

Capital Football is committed to the principle of ‘Get in, Play, Get out’.”

In applying this principle, the following activities are not permitted at Capital Football matches this winter season:

  • formal pre-match walkouts onto the pitch by the referees and teams
  • formal or informal pre and post match handshakes
  • formal or informal pre and post match team photos
  • any other formal pre or post match activities (i.e. gathering at halfway or the centre circle for a moment’s silence)

To assist clubs in managing spectators, Capital Football also asks that only essential people attend matches this weekend and that where possible only one parent or guardian attends per player.

Please ensure coaches, managers, players and parents are aware of the Captial Football COVID Safe Plan.

Referee fees for U 10 – U 18 will be paid by Belnorth. Coaches and managers of each team will not be required to pay the referee as there is an agreement with Capital football and clubs that the Home club will pay the referee fees for 2020.

Useful sites for the draw are:

Belnorth team numbers

Please raise any concerns or queries with the club.

Clubs Return to Play in a COVID-Safe Environment Plans

Belnorth teams that play away at other clubs please go to the following website which details clubs Return to Play in a COVID safe environment. These have details of the maps of fields and the entry and exit points.

Capital Football COVID-19 Refund Update – Due 18 July 2020

Due to the suspension of football and a partial season delivery of the 2020 season, Capital Football has reduced their registration fees and will be offering a refund to eligible participants.

Please go to the following website to ensure that each player and parent is aware what is being refunded and what the process is.

Players and parents are required to fill in the following form as part of the refund process by COB 18 of July 2020.

As there will be many players from different clubs requesting refunds, please be patient and the refunds will be processed in due course.

Game Day Reminders

The fields will be identified by teardrop Belnorth Flags (ie Field 1 to Field 6) which will assist in finding the fields.

On the day, the game day managers and helpers will be wearing orange vests, to be easily identified.

The referee coordinator will be in a yellow fluorescent vest and will be encouraging that coaches and players are in the technical area, opposite the spectators. This will assist the game day leaders in refereeing the game and identifying the coach.

The aim of football for 2020 is participation which enable children to play the game and have fun.

Reminder on the parent and player expectations of encouraging participation, being respectful and playing fair.

  • Game Day reminders
    • The maximum number of people is 100 per full-size football field (including the coach, players and volunteers). It is recommended one parent per player
    • Do not participate if unwell, especially if you have flu-like symptoms. 
    • Belnorth encourages that players and parents download the COVIDSafe App
    • Players and coach to turn up no earlier than 15 minutes prior to the game
    • Avoid carpooling
    • Maintain social distancing of 1.5 metres at all times
    • Practice good hygiene: players will be required to wash hands or use hand sanitiser before the game
    • No handshakes or high fives
    • Players to be ready by having their boots, shin guards on.
    • There is to be no sharing of drinks bottles, towels and please do not provide fruit for half time or snacks.
    • Players should let their coach and manager know if they won’t be at the game.
    • Players, parents and coaches are to leave the game area immediately after the match has finished
    • Goalposts, nets and corner posts will be removed from the shipping containers (to minimise the risk please wear gloves as an option for the setup and return of the equipment back outside the shipping container)

VOLUNTEERS WELCOME: Additionally, we are always looking for more volunteers!

If you are able to assist with your team, or with the club in any capacity, please let us know. 

Please raise any concerns or queries with the club.

Players Required for U 11 Boys Team

There are a few spots available for an U11 boys team. If you have a friend who is interested in playing football for Belnorth please contact the SSG registrar at

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