Junior Football

Belnorth support junior players within community Canberra football competition, aged between under 5 years old through to under 18 years.

MiniRoos Club football (U5 – U9) uses small sided games (4v4, 7v7 & 9v9) rather than the traditional 11v11 format to cater to 4-11 year olds. The smaller fields, modified rules and fewer players mean a more enjoyable game with more opportunities to touch the ball and more opportunities to score goals, once again increasing the likelihood of an overall positive experience. Belnorth runs its U5 – U9 MiniRoos program as an intra-club activity – so all games are played at our home fields.

As your child progresses through the various age groups they will be introduced to playing environments that most suite their stage of development and prepare them for the transition to 11v11 football when the time comes.

The MiniRoos is an intra-club competition that is played Saturday mornings at the Belnorth home grounds at Birie Place, Kaleen.

MiniRoos National Playing Formats and Rules (U6-U11)

Small Sides Games (SSG) football includes male and female players between the ages of U10 and U11.

MiniRoos National Playing Formats and Rules (U6-U11)

Competitive football Includes male and female players between the age of U12  and U18 (except for U18 girls that are run by the Women’s League).

For both SSG and Competitive football games are played against other soccer clubs at our home grounds of Kaleen & Giralang and at other soccer grounds within the ACT region. Players aged between U10 – U18 should attend Belnorth Player grading session, generally run in February each year, the grading process assists us match players and coaches to teams that suit their skills and needs.

Everyone please note Belnorth is an all volunteer club and draws its coaches and managers from within the parents involved in the club, if you are able to help please email your registrar. All current coaches and managers will be emailed by the end of January.

Please ensure that you sign up for the newsletter at the top left of this page to stay in touch with all the information and weekly newsletters that are published during the actual playing season.

MiniRoos National Playing Formats and Rules (U6-U11)