Registered Players (through Play Football)
All players who have registered for the 2020 season through Play Football are already covered within the personal accident insurance program.
If any players have been injured during the return to training and need to make a claim, you can provide them this link:
Further information on the personal accident program, including the link to make claims, is available on the Capital Football website.
Non-registered players
We understand following the temporary suspension of football that some players who intended on registering for Belnorth may have paused to see if a football season eventuated. With a return to training, those players may now seek to register for football, but may not be able as there is a pause on re-opening registrations as decisions are made on a revised registration fee.
Following discussions with the personal accident insurer, Capital Football have created an Intent to Register online form. This form identifies a player’s intentions to play if they are selected to the team / club and will mean they are covered under the Capital Football personal accident insurance policy should they be injured at training before completing the online registration process for the 2020 season.
It is important to note that in order to play in competitions, players still need to register on the Play Football system.
Should a player that has completed an Intent to Register form be injured during training, they will need to complete the online registration process on Play Football and pay their 2020 fees in order to make a claim. We understand this may result in a refund of registration fees needing to be provided later if the injury was significant and ruled the player out from participating for the season.