Belnorth Newsletter: R-E-S-P-E-C-T, CVOs, Wet Weather, Female Football Photo Comp, U8 players wanted, Parking, Club Shop, Coerver, Kanga Cup

The first week of Juniors is in the Books

141 Belnorth Junior teams, along with Game Leaders and Referees, took to the field on Saturday at Kaleen and beyond. Some for the very first time, others for their 14th season at the club.

We hope everyone enjoyed the first week and are looking forward to the rest of the season!

Wet Weather

We have between 11 and 33 mm of rain forecast for Friday and Saturday, which may dampen our planned football weekend.

Generally speaking, if we have 20mm of rain over a 24-hour period, this renders sports grounds unfit for use. This is especially problematic during winter due to lower temperatures, resulting in reduced drying capability and less sunlight that does not allow optimal grass growth/recovery.

If there is minimal rain on Friday and leading into Saturday overnight, there is a good chance that fields will be safe to play on. We understand that dragging some U5-U9 to Kaleen while it is raining isn’t appetising for some. Some want to play rain, hail or shine, others not. Parents also share differing expectations of when to play and when not when it rains.

As you will appreciate, it is an evolving situation. The default position will be that games will proceed at Kaleen until otherwise announcedWashout announcements for Kaleen will occur via our social media channelsFacebook and Instagram.

For U10-U18 and senior games, home and away, there will also be notifications on Dribl of any washoutsCapital Football will also list any field closures here.

Belnorth FC’s Wet Weather Policy

Female Football Week and Photo Comp

We are in the midst of Female Football Week (3rd to 12th May), and to celebrate, we are holding a Photo Competition.

Take a photo of Belnorth FC female playerscoachesmanagers, and referees at games or training (with their consent) to go to the draw to win one of five Belnorth FC beanies.

To enter, either:

Entries close at 12 pm Friday, May 17th.

We will extend the competition to include another weekend if games are washed out.

Under 8 Players Wanted

We have had an influx of late U8 Open player enquiries to make an extra team feasible.

So, if you have a U8 child keen to play in 2024please email Kat at


Early in the season is a good time to remind everybody to respect one another, whether that is fellow playersrefereesparents, or volunteers.

Let kids be kids

Let Referees referee

Let coaches coach

“We all require and want respect, man or woman, black or white. It’s our basic human right” – Aretha Franklin.

Club Vested Officials

U12 teams and above must provide Club Vested Official (CVO) at each match, home and away. We also encourage U10-U11 teams to do as well. 

What is a Club Vested Official?

A CVO represents the club and is responsible for the actions of supporters of their club.

Essentially, they get to wear a cool vest, help ensure spectators behave themselves and foster respect.

Who can be a CVO?

  • parent or another responsible spectator/supporter
  • Someone at least 18 years old
  • You can’t be a coach, manager, reserve player or assistant referee (linesperson) at the same time
  • There can be different people throughout the season

Parking outside the box at Kaleen

With only 259 parking spots via Birie and Turon Place, parking is at a premium at KaleenOn-street parking is available, but please respect local residents and park safely/legally.

A parking hack at Kaleen is worth considering. Instead of looking for spots on or off Diamantina Cres, try parking on the other side of the stormwater drain along Wakool CctCampaspe CctFlorentine Cct or Tyrrell Cct.

Otherwise, consider carpooling or riding a bike to Kaleen.

Technical and Spectator Areas

Do you know your Spectator and Technical areas?

Please check out the maps for each age group from U6 to U18 here.

It is important that:

  • Spectators keep out of Technical Areas to let coaches coach
  • Nobody is to be behind the goals and goal line
  • Spectators are to stay 1.5 meters from the sideline to let assistant referees run the line

U5-U9 Coerver Skills Sessions

Belnorth FC are teaming up with Coerver Coaching ACT to deliver First Skills Sessions for U5 to U9 players.

U5 Open will have four sessions integrated with the first four weeks on Saturdays.

U6 and U7 Girls will get a session in week 1, U6 Open on week 2, and U7 Open on week 3. A further three other sessions for U6 to U7 will be scheduled on Fridays at 5:30 pm on select dates during the season.

U8 and U9 Open and Girls will receive four sessions on Fridays at 6:15 pm on dates throughout the year.

All sessions will be at Kaleen.

The sessions won’t just be for the players. Team coaches will be involved in running the sessions.

Walking Football

Over 45, or thereabouts, and fancy playing football at a more casual pace? Then Walking Football might be for you!

Capital Football’s winter season of Walking Football kicks off on  MondayJune 3rd and runs for ten weeks at Action Indoor Sports Kambah.

Player registration costs $135.

Team nominations (squad of 8) and player registrations will close COB on Monday, May 20th.

If are interested and struggling to form a team, please email and we can look to put interested players in touch with each other.

Training Allocations

Teams are reminded to respect their training allocations. Please adhere to the day, time and field that have been communicated to coaches and managers by Graeme, the Grounds Manager.

If unsure of the field location, please check the field maps here.

If coaches and managers need to confirm allocated training slots, please contact Graeme via

For recent training allocation requests, please allow two to three days for a response and at least a week for training allocations to be set up. Additional field bookings may need to be organised with ACT Sportsgrounds to facilitate requests.

No Dogs allowed at Sportsgrounds

We know members love them, but dogs are not allowed at ACT Sportsgrounds during training and games.

So please keep the members of your fur family at home.

There is a $150 fine for taking dogs to prohibited areas.

Smoking/Alcohol Prohibited at Junior Games & Training

Smoking is prohibited at all Junior matches and training. It is also prohibited within 10 metres of the change rooms, spectator amenities and canteen facilities.

The consumption of alcohol is not permitted during any Junior matches.

Club Shop Open Game Day from 8:30 am

The Belnorth Club Shop will be open on Saturday morning game days from 8:30 am at Kaleen Playing Fields until 12 pm.

What do you need for the season?

Below are the essentials that are available from the Club Shop.

  • Shin pads/guards
  • Socks
  • Shorts

Sizing is available on our Club Shop page.

What about jerseys?

Team jerseys are club owned and will be distributed by team coaches/managers and must be returned at the end of the season.

The boot Bin needs replenishing

With the junior season now underway, the Boot Bin is starting to look bare.

If you have spare boots lying around at home, please consider donating them to our boot bin for a new lease on life.

It will make someone’s day!

Kanga Cup Registrations are Open

The Kanga Cup is the largest International Youth Football Tournament south of the equator, held right here in Canberra from July 7th to the 12th! It is for U9 to U18 players and teams from all over the world.

To support Belnorth teams in entering the Kanga CupBelnorth offers a 25% rebate on the entry fee. Once entered, teams can apply via the form available here.

If you need help with registering or recruiting more players to form a team, please contact

Registrations close on May 13th.

Kanga Cup

Coaching Course EOI

Interested in upping your skills as a U10-U18 or seniors coach? Then the Foundation of Football coaching course is for you.

Capital Football is asking for Expressions of Interest in the course. Take the first step to improve your coaching here.

Season Dates

  • 4/5: U5-U18 Seasons starts
  • 13/5: Kanga Cup Nominations Close
  • 25/5 to 27/5: Reconciliation L/W (No Junior Games)
  • 26/6 to 27/6: Junior Team Photos (Eastlakes Gungahlin)
  • 6/7: No U5-U15 games
  • 7/7 to 12/7: Kanga Cup
  • 13/7 to 14/7: No Junior or Senior Games
  • 17/8 to 18/8: Seniors Last round
  • 31/8: U16-U18 Last round
  • 24/8 to 1/9: Seniors Championship series
  • 7/9: U5-U15 last round
  • 7/9 to 15/9: U16-U18 Championship series
  • 7/9: Senior Presentation (Belconnen Labor Club)
  • 14/9: U12-U18 Presentation (Belconnen Labor Club)
  • 22/9: U5-U11 Presentation (UC Kaleen High School)
  • 17/9 to 30/9 ACT Sportsgrounds Shutdown

The full 2024 calendar can be found here.

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