Belnorth Newsletter 19/5/20

Capital Football Update

Capital Football is working towards football returning in 2020 and playing as many games as possible once it is safe to do so. Capital Football has prepared alternative match schedules for all competitions considering a variety of dates in June and July.  Capital Football are hopeful that the measures put in place by the Government and being adhered to by most of us, will slow the spread of COVID-19, and see normal life resume, including local football.

FFA, Capital Football and the clubs are working through what registrations might look like in a shortened season. Until we know how much football is played in 2020 it is premature to decide on refunds.

Capital Football are asking players, parents, referees and volunteers to be patient. 

Belnorth will heed advise released by the ACT Government, the Federal Government, Capital Football and the Football Federation of Australia (FFA).

Capital Football Training Update

The first stage of this return will be the commencement of team training, within a number of guidelines set out by Capital Football.

To assist clubs, coaches, players and parents to understand how to comply with the return to training conditions, Capital Football has prepared Return to Football Guidelines.

Before training can proceed, Belnorth is required to structure a plan that fits within these guidelines and approved by Capital Football.

The return to football will have the following restrictions in place (once the club has informed each squad when it can commence training):

    • A maximum number of people is 10 (including the coach, players and volunteers).
    • The recommendation is 9 players + 1 coach for training
      • Teams of more than 10 players require to be split into 2 groups and typically train on different days of the week.
    • Do not participate or attend training if unwell, especially if you have flu-like symptoms. 
    • Belnorth encourages that players and parents download the COVIDSafe App
    • Players and coach to turn up no earlier than 15 minutes prior to training
    • Avoid carpooling
    • Maintain social distancing of 1.5 metres at all times
    • Practice good hygiene: players will be required to wash hands or use hand sanitiser before and after training
    • Players are welcome to bring and use their own ball.
    • Players to be ready by having their boots, shin guards on.
    • Players should let their coach and manager know if they won’t be at training
    • Warm ups to be done within the training session or at home 
    • There will be no physical contact or tackling during training
    • Games are not permitted
    • At training players and coaches are required to maintain social distancing of 1.5 metres at all times.
    • Parents and guardians are encouraged to remain in the car during the session or drop them off and then collect them at the specific time after training
    • There is to be no sharing of drink bottles, towels, or bibs
    • No handshakes or high fives
    • There will be no team meetings or gatherings. 
    • Players, parents and coaches are to leave the training area immediately after the training has finished.

NEXT STEPS: The registrars will contact the managers/coaches to see who expects to be interested in training under these conditions.

The initial allocation of training spots will be made by the Club, but the Belnorth Return to Football Plan will be reviewed, as restrictions are updated by the ACT government and advise provided by Capital Football.

Arrangements for gear allocation will be advised.

Belnorth PLAN: Once the Belnorth Return to Football Plan is finalised, all players and parents will be notified (working in tandem with the above Capital Football guidelines).

In order for us to move a step closer to the return of football as we know it, it is important that all players, coaches, parents and our community follow these guidelines. We greatly appreciate everyone’s cooperation during this time.

VOLUNTEERS WELCOME: Additionally, we are always looking for more volunteers!

If you are able to assist with your team, or with the club in any capacity, please let us know. 

CONCERNS/ISSUES: This is a challenging time and some people will be feeling cautious about a return to training.

Players and members of our community have to make the best decision for themselves and their family, in terms of whether they can participate in training, and those decisions will be respected.

Please raise any concerns or queries with the club.

We are working together as a community to return to football.

Belnorth COVID-19 Refund Update

The Belnorth Committee is working on a registration refund model and process as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic. Belnorth will communicate and keep its members up to date, once a decision has been made.

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